Need to Know VII:The Hidden Hand of Intelligence
I. Opening Panel: The Hidden Hand of Intelligence.
Chair: Michael Herman (Oxford Univ.)
Joseph Wippl (Boston Univ.), Intelligence Collection and Covert Action before 1989 after 1989 and then since 2001 [tbc].
Michael Goodman (King’s College, London), British covert action, stability and influence during the Konfrontasi in Indonesia.
Jacek Tebinka (Gdańsk Univ.), Information Research Department and Communist Poland 1956-1977. The Case of Political Warfare.
Thomas W. Friis (South Denmark Univ.), Disinformation, Surveillance, Fear, and Security.
Johan Matz (Uppsala Univ.), Soviet disinformation in the case Raoul Wallenberg.

II. Soviet Style Active Measures Revisited.
Chair: Tamás Péter Baranyi (AJTK)
Ivo Jurvee (Internal Security Institute at the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences) What did Soviet active measures “really“ mean? Revisiting Mitrokhin’s legacy.
Christopher Nehring (Deutsches Spionage Museum) Brothers in arms. Active measures against Franz Josef Strauss by the East German and Bulgarian state security services.
Pavel Žáček (independent scholar, in co-operation with IPN), Czechoslovak State Security Apparatus, Active Measures and Disinformation.
Michael Fredholm (Stockholm International Program for Central Asian Studies), Soviet Active Measures in West, South, and East Asia with regard to Afghanistan, 1980-1989.
Áron Máthé (NEB) [tbc].
III. Religious Cold War
Chair: Áron Máthé (NEB)
Adrian Hänni (Leiden University): Intelligence services, front groups, and the Religious Cold War in Eastern Europe: The case of the "Commission for the Persecuted Church".
Władysław Bułhak (IPN), Vaticanists and intelligence. The role of „private” press agencies during the pontificate of Paul VI.
Gordan Akrap (St. George Association / Hybrid Warfare Research Institute), Carlo Falconi, Pius XII and Yugoslavian Secret Police Active Measures.
SESSION 2 – 10 November 2017
IV. Stalinism and After
Chair: Mirosław Szumiło (IPN)
Ben Fisher (former Chief Historian of CIA), Operation Splinter Factor: A Cold War Deception.
Igor Lukes (Boston Univ.,) “Operation Great Sweeper: The Real Splinter Factor”,
Bernd Reiner Barth (independent scholar in cooperation with SDU) [tbc]
Eyal Pascovich (Haifa Univ.), “On the Cult of Personality and Its Consequences” – Nikita Khrushchev’s Secret Speech, Joseph Stalin’s Crimes, and the Israeli Security Service
V. Influencing the Media
Chair: Łukasz Kamiński (Wrocław Univ.)
Peter Busch (King’s College, London), Anglo-American Intelligence and Covert Propaganda in Vietnam, 1955-1965.
Glen Seagal (Haifa Univ.), The South Africa Infogate Scandal.
Douglas Selvage (BStU), The Stasi and the KGB's AIDS Disinformation Campaign.
Gabriella Müller (NEB), The History of the International Organization of Journalists. Hungarian Aspects.
VI. Front Organisations
Chair: Erik Kulavig (SDU)
Adrii Rukkas (Taras Szewczenko National University of Kiev), The Polish Financial Support for the Exile Government of the Ukrainian Peoples Republic 1926-1939.
Bernd Schäfer (Woodrow Wilson Center, The George Washington Univ.), The CIA and Ukrainian Front Organizations.
Enrico Heitzer (Sachsenhausen Memorial and Museum), The Fighting Group against Inhumanity: The Incarnation of Anticommunism in a Divided Germany 1948-1959.
Marek Hańderek (IPN), Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission in Korea as an area of covert activities of the Polish intelligence during the Cold War.
Anita M. Madarász (NEB), Unknown Role of Education in the Cold War. British Methods of Gathering Intelligence on Communist Countries According to the Documents of the Hungarian Secret Service

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